Creating OHANA Together

BUILDING OHANA is relational work, calling on the values, ideas, expertise and resources of the people in our community. Inclusive, community-led design and development is essential as we envision environments, programs, and activities essential to the OHANA vision.


Envision your perfect neighborhood. What does it look like to you?  You are a diverse community of health and service providers, educators, community designers and planners, business professionals and community leaders. Most importantly, you are individuals and families of all abilities, ages and backgrounds for whom home and neighborhood can be life-changing. We invite you to join us as we begin our new, community-led design series to create our OHANA Village neighborhood. Space may be limited as we hope to conduct these community conversations and design charettes in person when we can (with safety and health measures in place of course).  So please let us know if you’d like an invitation!

Add me to your invitation list…


Building OHANA is a values-based endeavor, one that requires new thinking about what sustained personal and community health looks like and who are its primary purveyors.  Our vision requires bold restructuring in design, development, financing, marketing and programming, and therefore calls on the experts in both market rate and affordable housing, local nonprofits, foundations and housing agencies to think differently about what they do and why. Our approach utilizes the strengths of each sector, providing the resources we need from the best of who we are. We hope you will join us.

Our work aligns. Let’s talk!
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To receive updates and information on housing types and prices as the project develops.

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housing types
Grow Ohana Village


Help us get OHANA Village in the ground. We have set a goal to raise $3.5 million to support the building of OHANA. Thanks to the generosity of some dear OHANA friends, we have raised over $1.1 million in our land acquisition account! Your financial support, no matter the amount, will move us closer to the goal of securing land and starting construction of OHANA homes.

I want to donate today!


If you have questions or ideas about this project and want to talk. Can you imagine how you, and your family, group, business, or organization might contribute to and benefit from OHANA and its mission?

Here's my contact info!

There is immense power when a group of people with similar interests gets together to work toward the same goals.

Idowu KoyenikanWealth for All