BUILDING OHANA sees the challenges — housing shortages, rising costs, complex care needs, and overburdened systems of service across every every sector. We also see a bold solution, one that taps the power of home and neighborhood and the relationships within to create healthy, relational community and to bridge the gaps between us. The recipe is in OHANA, and its three simple ingredients:

Family and Beyond
The Hawaiian word for family — including and beyond those people we are related to by blood and ancestry — the people who help us to be our very best selves. In OHANA Village, these people will be our neighbors, our friends, the ones we see daily, talk to, share life with. They will be the ones we help and who will help us when caring friendship and support are most needed. OHANA will be an old-fashioned neighborhood revitalized and made new — a neighborhood where everyone belongs.
About Us
We are pioneering new ways to build intentional neighborhoods of caring and belonging.
Join Us
Everyone is invited to help us create OHANA
Your friendship, your ideas, your expertise, your support…all are welcome!